"Thank you, Thrushpelt." Heatherstar leaped down from Tallrock and padded to the middle of the hollow. It is about when potatoes that demand they take their land in the Warriors Universe. She glanced at the mottled medicine cat. DawnClan - The Forgotten Clans Hollyleaf: A green-eyed black female cat who is a warrior. They have strong legs made for leaping and running. MeadowClan is one of the five Clans in the Forest of Fallen Light. Cats I'd Like to See Have a Super Edition - BlogClan Cedarstar. Though known to be overly-protective of kits, queens usually are compassionate and kind, and in many cases they have been known to convince their mates or Clan leaders to take in cats in need of help. She looked back up at the leader before cowering, shutting her eyes and trying to stifle her emotions. Detlashadow- A black she-cat with green eyes. First founded was GladeClan, which has had several past leaders. Warrior Cats. The characters are Mapleshade, her 3 kits, and Heatherpaw (Heatherstar, windclan's leader before tallstar!) - DewClan (Leader: Heatherstar) For people who r unfamiliar with the ranks of clans, this is them: - Kit (Kitten) U keep yr first name for life (For an example, Fire) but u end it with 'kit' (So Firekit) U r a kit if u r under 6 moons old (months) which means u live in the nursery with yr mum and get specially taken care of bcs u r the future . MIDNIGHT — Crowkit - Crowpaw Crowkit was born in a litter ... A queen is a she-cat that is expecting or has recently given birth to a litter of kits. There's already a Heatherstar. Keep reading warriors warrior cats wc windclan bess wc bess wee hen reena wc reena tallstar OCs lore the new prophecy rewrite tnp rewrite They are best at catching rabbits and hares. MeadowClan is known as the 'swiftest' Clan. This started in the leader before Heatherstar, Beestar's, time, when Bess, Reena, and their mother, Wee Hen, who were seeking refuge during a bad Greenleaf storm. please only related projects. Heathertail: A pretty light brown tabby she-cat with heather-colored eyes and a close friend of Lionblaze. Daisytail | Warriors Wiki | Fandom Heatherstar | Warriors Wiki | Fandom DarkClan - The Forgotten Clans MeadowClan | Warriors OC's Wiki | Fandom An important note! After she received her nine lives, Moth Flight told her not to expect absolute loyalty from her warriors as one of them must leave the Clan to find his heart, foretelling Talltail leaving WindClan. Heathertail: A pretty light brown tabby she-cat with heather-colored eyes and a close friend of Lionblaze. Half Moon was the first StoneTeller of the Tribe Of Rushing Water. He also mentioned there were two other Tribes at this time, both with their own Healers. She is also Heatherbreeze's mother. Tinystar is a confident, respected and proud leader. Redstar is a old ThunderClan leader before BlueStar. This ThunderClan leader's exact succession is unknown, but it is known that he appears in Code of the Clan. MIDNIGHT — Greenleaf Visitors Come in!" She said. Bramblestar's Storm Spoiler Page - Kate Cary Reedfeather was a WindClan deputy under Heatherstar's leadership in the forest territories. Why I Think Mapleshade Killing Victims was Reasonable by Wrenkit. Killed Ashfur before going into hiding in the tunnels. "Wait beside the Great Rock." Hawkheart dipped his head slowly, then padded away. many moons ago gravelclan and tideclan were once one but were separated over a bitter dispute concerning a warrior who had come into the clan a rogue, hawthorn. Warriors. "Wait beside the Great Rock." Hawkheart dipped his head slowly, then padded away. Who was the leader before Raggedstar? ahh ew cringe Takeover is a Warriors fanfiction by Sandpaw. The Ultimate Warriors Quiz: Cats of the Clans. He was on patrol with Reedfeather, he finds Bluefur and Pinestar together, but growls at them to go ahead. Blazestar found it before he became leader, while he was hunting. Heatherstar. Heatherstar before she became leader of WindClan. His parents however wanted him to follow in their paw steps and become a tunneler. Score under 10 and you are a kit. This started in the leader before Heatherstar, Beestar's, time, when Bess, Reena, and their mother, Wee Hen, who were seeking refuge during a bad Greenleaf storm. Around various parts of her paws and muzzle are white markings, stretching not too far, so that it never touches her torso. Forced by injury to become a medicine cat. Pinestar. Heatherstar: A pinkish-gray female cat with blue eyes who was the leader of the WindClan. Tallstar's Revenge Page 1 of 40 Dedication Special thanks to Kate Cary Contents Dedication Allegiances Maps Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 . "It's been a hard leaf-bare, with too many losses." Heatherstar dipped her head to Ryestalk, watching hollow-eyed from the nursery. Deputy: Breezesky (LOOK IN THE QUEENS FOR HER) Medicine cat (s): Flagpost- A golden tom with amber eyes Apprentice: Featherpaw. Tallkit was excited. Score under 25 and you are an apprentice. They are known for soft-kept, peaceful attitudes. 5. Below is a list of the known Leaders. Tallstar's Revenge is the sixth Warriors Super Edition, a Prequel that takes place one generation before the first series. They live east of the Gathering (when facing the cats on the High Ledge) in a large meadow. Bluestar's former deputy until she banished him from Thunder clan. lan leader. Which she-cat did Bluestar give birth to who later becomes leader of RiverClan? AirClan is named after him. ONESTAR. She warns Kestrelflight not to tell the other medicine cats about what he had been told, and Barkface states that betrayal could come from anywhere. As the storm passed, WindClan got to know the rogues. What does ShadowClan eat? many moons ago gravelclan and tideclan were once one but were separated over a bitter dispute concerning a warrior who had come into the clan a rogue, hawthorn. Rank: Leader Gender: Female Other info: The second cat of this name*. Chronologically, the book starts the earliest of the four Super Editions that cover this time period. Heatherstar died shortly after that. Heatherstar is one of the only cats in existence who is a descendant of Darkstar, the original leader of DarkClan. This started in the leader before Heatherstar, Beestar's, time, when Bess, Reena, and their mother, Wee Hen, who were seeking refuge during a bad Greenleaf storm. Heatherstar is the leader of WindClan before Tallstar. Thank you for becoming a member. Talltail was in the battle against ThunderClan and, at a gathering, was whispering something to his leader, Heatherstar. This time, the former leader was beside the dead bodies of several cats. She glanced at the mottled medicine cat. Second leader of ThunderClan that succeeded Thunderstar after his death. Being in many battles, she has various scars, such as a notch in her left ear and a long slash mark across her . Heatherstar. He became ShadowClan's leader and tried to join together all the clans to make TigerClan. "I'm going to ask Heatherstar if Deadpaw can come." Talltail said, and trotted over towards the leader's den. "Heatherstar." There are currently 4 chapters.==Table of contents==. Terms in this set (91) Founding leader of ThunderClan. Main character. Tallstar does not appear, but is mentioned by Graypaw to be the leader of WindClan as Graypaw describes the different Clan leaders to Firepaw just before a Gathering. Daisytail tells Hawkheart that she is strong and can handle it. Her fur consists of a rough texture, but that's only from her age. Heatherstar is very strict with her Clanmates, and she sometimes makes them sleep out in the open as punishment, instead of in . Tribe Leader. Please ONLY open in in source mode via the dropdown *beside* the button that says edit, as running it through the visual editor breaks up the spacing. This page has breaky code! How did Tallstar become leader of the Warriors? He soon became leader after Heatherstar somehow died. Because he put his Clan before himself and refused to eat before everyone else had eaten, RavenClan's leader, Heatherstar loses his last life. Cobwebs and goldenrod to heal and marigold to stop infection. "Sorrelkit, Pigeonkit!" she called. Wee Hen's mate, Hornet, passed away a moon before to a dog attack. Talltail became Tallstar, leader of WindClan, and chose Sandgorse as deputy. He purred, mewed congrats, and passed when was called by Heatherstar. The Deputy then travels to the Moonpool, gets nine lives from StarClan, and takes on their second name as star. Get the best of Sporcle when you Go Orange.This ad-free experience offers more features, more stats, and more fun while also helping to support Sporcle. View all posts. Half Moon. AirClan is currently led by Kestrelstar, with Fogbreeze as his Deputy. Prey grows scarce once again. In the Super Editions Tallstar's Revenge One of the protagonist. Her mentor was Crowfeather, and the other cats present are Crowfeather's son Breezepaw and his mentor, Whitetail. Yes. Fan Articles. KATE. I'm trying to get 1000+ comments so please RP I hope we can get there;) 1097/2000 (oof lost count) managers please add ppl Keep reading warriors warrior cats wc windclan bess wc bess wee hen reena wc reena tallstar OCs lore the new prophecy rewrite tnp rewrite Mistystar. That is what makes us strong. HE ANNOYS ME. AirClan cats are described as snappish and determined. Heatherstar shook the rain from her whiskers and padded slowly toward Pinestar. This is a score-based quiz. This leader is the son of Turtle Tail. You can be more than one character! Sunfall encouraged Bluefur every time she was downhearted, specifically after the deaths of Moonflower . You may need to fill somethings out before starting on this site if you are signing in, but it shouldn't take long before you can jump in! Tallstar is mentioned by Graypaw to be the leader of WindClan as Graypaw describes the different Clan leaders to Firepaw just before a Gathering. You didn't expect to be deputy. They usually have bright colored pelts . He is the son of Skystar and a loner named Storm. up until that point in time hurricaneclan's leader heatherstar was adamant that no loners, rogues or kittypets were to be allowed into the clan as they had enough mouths to feed and the warrior code to follow. YASS. Leafpool and Crowfeather's daughter. Lionpaw . She distrusts all RuneClan cats and those who are friends with them, and greatly fears foxes. "Talltail? He was horribly wounded, and limped to your den to visit. Blazestar discovered the two-leg-place beside the Forgotten Clan territory. A second flood hits the territories. (Example: -leaps forward- is allowed but -leaps forward, knocking them over, then claws off their ears and eyes and bites into their throat while clawing their belly with my hind claws- is not allowed!) ((sorry guys this is the first time i've made a RP before)) as long as u RP u will be promoted managers, please do not delete/add anything anything. Citruskit,Mintkit.This is a proud day for Plainclan, by naming apprentices we show that Plainclan will survive and remain strong. The Ultimate Guide, Secrets of The Clans, The Code of The Clans, The Cats of The Clans, Battles of The Clans, Tallstar's Revenge, Yellowfang's Secret, Bluestar's Prophecy, Crookedstar's Promise, Into The Wild, Fire and Ice, Forest of Secrets, Rising Storm, Tigerclaw's Fury, A Dangerous Path, The Darkest Hour, Firestar's Quest, Midnight, Moonrise, Dawn, Starlight, Twilight, The Sight, Eclipse . Blackstar as the new leader of ShadowClan and trying to escape the shadows of his predecessors. This started in the leader before Heatherstar, Beestar's, time, when Bess, Reena, and their mother, Wee Hen, who were seeking refuge during a bad Greenleaf storm. . Yes, 4 more. Keep reading warriors warrior cats wc windclan bess wc bess wee hen reena wc reena tallstar OCs lore the new prophecy rewrite tnp rewrite Sunstar, as described by others, is a lean ginger she-cat with long legs built for running. Heatherstar:All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting. They run as . He knows better than to spread panic amongst his Clan about destruction." Finchstar let out a frustrated growl. Tinystar Tinystar is the leader of HeatherClan before Spottedstar. Heatherstar sighed, and meowed evenly, "Tallstar will not tell the rest of WindClan. AirClan is one of the five warrior Clans, living in a part of the Clan Territories that is a large moor. He was accepted back into WindClan, becoming a mentor to Deadfoot and then deputy, and after Heatherstar's death, he became leader as Tallstar. Rock mentioned he was a Healer of an ancient Tribe, many generations before the Tribe Of Rushing Water. MAKE. Silence fell like night over the camp, except for the pounding of the rain and wind whistling across the moor. . she insisted that they . 43. Darkness surrounded Heatherpaw, she felt suffocated. Pinestar nodded. You can't kill more than 1 cat at once! It caused a rebellion, but Mudclaw soon died. She states that the Clans must stand alone, and that WindClan's previous leader, Tallstar, was blinded by his friendship with other Clans. History. When a warrior she-cat is expecting kits or has recently given birth to a litter of kits, they become known . Raggedstar. He wanted to be a moor runner. In the manga, as Tallstar journeys to StarClan, he is reunited with Jake. He is an orange-and-white tabby tom with white legs, paws and face. submitted by . A secret food source is the carrionplace, though they are careful not to . Their main prey is reptiles and amphibians, such as lizards and frogs. Score under 50 and you are a warrior. No idea why, I'm tired of fixing it. Three moons later, Reedfeather died, and Talltail was appointed deputy. She felt Larkwing shift, and, after a moment, Heatherstar's paw touched her side, making her look up. UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Mexico's president warned Tuesday that the world is sliding from "civilization to barbarity" and called for the thousand richest people, the thousand largest private corporations and the 20 major economies to improve life for the 750 million people now existing on less than $2 dollars a day. The new leader of ShadowClan, reveals that all of a rough texture, but that & # x27 t. To his leader, is a Warrior she-cat is expecting kits or has recently given birth to who later leader... 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