Pinestream is a lithe, small, sleek she cat with almond colored brown fur, with ginger patched and black stripes. warrior cats apprentice - 2. The Tribe of Rushing Water! The Tribe of Flaming Amber was a rogue group in the forest, until they were banished and they moved to the mountains. Their . View topic - FrostClan - Warrior Cats RP - Chicken Smoothie One cat cannot take down a hawk or a falcon. Is also a good fighting technique. Hind legs must be ready to leap and front paws must be ready to pounce. Prey [] Mostly rabbits and birds. . Please do not offer uncommons or any pets from years newer than 2015. by boodles » Mon Dec 13, 2021 11:02 am . Now you are beyond the range of the opponent's paws and in position to inflict severe body wounds. Hunting Techniques (All Clans) Hunter's Crouch: A classic starter hunting move. Welcome to Warrior Cats Roleplay! They eat to keep up strength and maintain the health of the Clan as a whole. Is also a good fighting techinique. 23. Battle Techniques [] In groups, they can use the Night Ambush technique,where they hide in the bushes without being scented, encircle the cats they want to attack and cutting off the escape routes at the leader's Attack Tail signal. Each wild cat is part of a different clan and has their own skills, abilities and beliefs. There are so many options, and it can be overwhelming! by Alpha* » Thu Dec 16, 2021 1:30 pm. Mainly fish but they also eat water voles, shrews, and mice. Front Paw Blow - Bring down paw hard on opponents head. Hunting Specialties: Excellent stalking techniques. Help forum . ThunderClan is being filled with cats rped by people who haven't even touched the chat box. Others will come and get onto its wings, preventing flight and one will give the death bite. BadgerClan, BearClan, DeerClan, FoxClan, and WolfClan! This website can hype up your senses with some great tips on creating your cat! Therefore the Clan cats have had to develop fighting skills and techniques to help them in battle. All about me. In this Roblox Game, you can make your own Warrior Cats, choose the path you want to take be it Medicine Cat or Clan leader. Here, warriors will teach their apprentices to fight, do hunting crouches and leaps, learn the most important herbs, etc. In the seventh series, a harsh leaf-bare season descends on the forest, and a new darkness begins to spread—a shadow that threatens a beloved Clan leader, the cats' connection with their ancestors in StarClan, and the very warrior code they live by. The Warrior Code: Defend your Clan, even with your life. Hunting techniques Tribe cats have their own special way of hunting. Whether you want to find the latest news, content and videos, or dive into the amazing new store, this is the place for you. Warriors are often called upon to defend the borders or protect the Clan from attack, whether by enemy Clans or predators like badgers and foxes. Hunting Techniques: Hunter's Crouch - Keep your body low with your tail sticking straight ahead.Hind legs must be ready to leap and front paws must be ready to pounce. The key to hunting is to pounce at the right distance from the prey. Basics Name: Mousee Gender: Non-Binary Rank: Apprentice Sexuality: Demisexual Clan: Riverclan Appearance This cat has a narrow face and shining brown eyes. a mouse), sit in a hiding place, and wait until they see an eagle (or other bird of prey) attack the prey. Deputies are second in . Pinestream normally plays with . This is the same for birds, so they can get to the bird fast enough to leap and deliver the killing bite in some occasions. Leap-and-hold - Ideal for a small cat facing a larger opponent. His eyes sparkle as the kit comes up to him, "no, Sandkit-" is answered, "TinyStar wasn't eaten by her pelt and Frostbite won't bite you-" there's a faint warning glowing in his eyes and then it's gone. Now, they are a rival to the Tribe of Rushing Water, stealing their prey, and gathering cats from Twolegplace as part-time warriors. Also, when the leader is ill or unable to perform their duties, the deputy will take the leader's place until they recover, and they will take their place at Gatherings if the leader is absent and cannot attend. This is the same for birds, so they can get to the bird fast enough to leap and deliver the killing bite in some occasions. Common pet names are not allowed unless the cat is a former kittypet. Exploration is key and so is building . Wiki (tips, guides and more!) Warrior cat names come in two . (Pronounced as Berry-Clan) Please read the rules before you start role-playing, as this helps everyone! The official home of Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter. Moving around like this . The remains (i.e. Once you spot a fish, dart your paw and swoop it out. Usually, after killing prey, a cat will give thanks to StarClan for its life, and will bury it to keep it safe from other predators until they are ready to carry it back to camp. Judge opponents distances from you carefully, then lash out with you back legs, taking the weight on your front paws. It has many good role-players. With this fun quiz, you can find your warrior cat name. Hunting Techniques. 1. Grip - Target your opponent's extremities and grab and hold on with teeth. This site is fanmade, and is a work in progress. Fighting Techniques - Warrior Cats Roleplay Fighting Techniques Your mentor will teach you these fighting techniques, you should also try to memorize them too. Ideal for a small cat facing a large opponent. Warrior Cat for Quantity (0 Bids) Put your most valuable pets, items or C$ up for auction and see how high the bidding will go! Even medicine cats must learn enough fighting technique to be useful in battle. Fishing Catch - When fishing in a lake or river.keep your reflection away from the water.When the fish comes, quickly hook your paw into the water and scoop the fish onto the surface. However, they are weaker and slower than you, and can also die. Riverclan. Currently Hunting For: BE Galaxy & Purple Toxic to finish these collections! We are now casting the first six characters appearing in our pilot, INTO THE WILD - PART 1. Rabbit-chaser / Rabbit-eater: A harsh insult - to insult WindClan cats because they mainly eat rabbits. Quickly bite it's neck and keep away from any water shore! ThunderClan cats speak out for what is right and are not afraid to challenge the warrior code. Please, do not add anymore cats to ThunderClan! After that, please check out Create Your Cat to get started! Medicine cats are outside Clan rivalries but they still must learn basic fighting moves. Hind legs must be ready to leap and front paws must be ready to pounce. A harsh insult - to insult RiverClan cats because they mainly eat fish. Track the enemy patrol through the forest (remember the steps from Forest Attack), like you would prey while hunting. Apprentices are smaller cats that will follow you around. Front Paw Strike - Slice downward with your front paw on the face or body of opponent. It is truly a group work. The hunting system can take a while to get used to, but it's a very effective one. FallenRains. . In the books the kits stay in the nursery until they're old enough to be apprentices, or leave with their MOTHERS. They love to decorate their dens with pretty pebbles and feathers that they find along the shores of the lake. Tribe Hunting Credits go to Kayla 1097 Tribe cats hunt in a different way from the clans. A key for hunting is to look out for signs that prey is nearby: fresh fur on a bush, broken twigs, overturned leaves on the ground, fresh pawprints, and of course, fresh smells. When constructing your cat's profile, refrain from using one of the names from the Warrior Cats series. 9. Hunting Locations Original Snakerocks. INTRODUCTION. The book has published seven different sub-series, with each set. Back kick: Explosive surprise move to catch opponent from behind. SORRY IF YOU GET KIT/APPRENTICE/LEADER WITH AN INCORRECT NAME! You may have friendships with cats from another Clan, but shall not become mates Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory unless ordered from . When a fish comes, quickly hook your part into the water and . 235. , 236. Instruct them on avoiding twigs and leaves to not make any noise while walking. 8. (this can be done by pouncing on other cats or using a toy) Warriors hunt and defend the clan Apprentice - Is made when a kit ages up to an adult Queen - She-cats that bear kits or nurse them Kit - Is simply born Medicine Cat - Optional. Hunting Techniques Your mentor will teach you these hunting techniques, you should also try to memorize them. Prey hunters, who are the cats that catch prey, look for prey, and when they find it they wait. This is a warrior cat personality test. Warrior - Is made when an apprentice gains 7 hunting skill points. Will Overpay for ones on Wishlist! Example: Finchpaw~ *pads into camp* {I wonder what my warrior name will be} Hi, Bluestar! What is Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition? Welcome to the Apprentice Training page. According to the official site, there are currently six clans, including the two newest clans (SkyClan and StarClan). Want Warrior Cats! The customization menu is, admittedly, confusing at first. Spring onto opponent's back and grip with unsheathed claws. They love beautiful things and often collect rocks, shells, and feathers for their dens. The game is over! RiverClan. A group of apprentices can defeat a large and dangerous warrior in this way. However, ShadowClan cats have a hunting bonus, which makes hunting slightly easier. North and south have one bramble, while northeast has two. Spring onto opponent's back and grip with unsheathed claws. Keep your body low with your tail sticking straight ahead. Judge opponent's distance from you carefully; then lash out with your back legs, taking your weight on your front paws. Logan Paul. When close, pounce. - Chicken Smoothie. Water: 4/10 Nearby, there is the Gorge, but it can be a hassle and a battle takes place there between WindClan and RiverClan. Kittypet: A somewhat friendly insult - to question someone's warrior skills, usually used in terms such as 'You fight like a Kittypet!'. A medicine cat may be trained in as a warriors before a medicine cat, but a medicine cat cannot become a normal warrior. They can also fish, which is a rare ability among other Clans. Medicine Cat Den: Read Hunting Techniques (Tribe) from the story Warrior Cats | Guide And Extras by -Skyfrost- (˗ˏˋ Skyfrost ˎˊ˗) with 2,089 reads. When fishing in a lake or river, keep your reflection away from the water to avoid alerting the fishes of your presence. To make sure you don't steal names, check Cats of The Clans for the list of cats active! Thus, names like 'Dragonfang' and 'Princesspaw' or 'Marshmallow Nose' are not allowed because these aren't things cats are familiar with. Long fur and glossy coats. To get an apprentice, you need 2 bonus coins (40 Reputation). Last edited by boodles on Fri Dec 17, 2021 7:46 am, edited 10 times in total. Below the Outlook Rock. Prey is a Clan term for the animals both, large and small, that are caught for the purpose of consumption Details Edit The importance of eating is something that all of the Clans are concerned about every single day. so, you may as well just use the tree provided.. Brambles: 8/10 The tiles north, northeast, and south all have brambles on them. If your cat is chosen to be the medicine cat apprentice or deputy, re email me their info and new rank. The fun grows when you create your own name! Being too far away or too close will make the prey run away. 24. A medicine cat must be able to interpret signs from Starclan. If they die, the only way to get . And are known for their famous Alliance with Fireclan. Double-Front-Paw Slap-Down Splash water into the enemy's face with your front paws, temporarily blinding them. Become a cat in each clan! If this happens, a cat can initiate the attck and jump into its back. Prey [] Mostly rabbits and birds. H: Zonkey, Android, Toxic, T7s & more! This page lists the Clans' various fighting techniques, as described in Secrets of the Clans and Battles of the Clans . Each clan has their own rules and way of living . Excellent stalking techniques. However, ShadowClan cats have a hunting bonus, which makes hunting slightly easier. Many different species of prey are hunted by the warrior cats. Mentor Mode allows the player to have an apprentice. warriors, warriorcatsguide, s. Warrior Cats Movie (2023) Based on the novel series by Erin Hunter, Warrior Cats (2023) is a movie that follows the adventure of an ordinary house cat named Rusty as he ventures into what lies beyond his comfortable home. Back rake - A bit like Belly rake, if your a SkyClan cat this move works best. Battle and Hunting - Warrior Cats Battle and Hunting ThunderClan Unique Battle Techniques : Forest Attack (uses the forest to perform a sneak attack on opponents) Lightning Strike (crouch behind enemy, then spring on top of enemy, clawing at ears. Being too far away or too close will make the prey run away. If you have any questions, PM Duskflight or Carnelian! Hunting Techniques [] WindClan can dive into rabbit burrows to drive out or hunt rabbits. Birds of Prey: They MUST be hunted in groups! Underwater Leg Sweep (Front or Hind) Crouch under water, holding your breath. No run away kits! Warrior Cats Guide Neko-Chan Battle Moves Battle Moves: Back kick - Explosive surprise more to catch opponent from Behind. Hunting a Fish: Sit beside the river, and make sure your reflection and shadow don't fall on the water. Hind legs must be ready to leap and front paws must be ready to pounce. Hind legs must be ready to leap and front paws must be ready to pounce. The first thing we will talk about is the customization options. Location: In the Forest Territories, it was found at Snakerocks. The hunting system can take a while to get used to, but it's a very effective one. But, play around and explore the controls, and you'll get the hang of it . 5. Actually do some work. . They do not fear water, hence their name, RiverClan. Mice, vole, squirrels, the occasional rabbit, and birds such as starlings, magpies, wood pigeons, and thrushes. Unlike the other Clans, RiverClan cats love to swim. Warriors is a series of novels based on the adventures and drama of multiple clans of feral cats. Bring it down with lots of pressure, and quickly bite it's neck. 2482 posts • Page 238 of 249 • 1 . Warrior Cat for Quantity (0 Bids) I am auctioning this 2009 re-release Bleeding Heart Warrior Cat for quantity of Rares. Reduces swelling and prevents infection when chewed and applied to a wound. the bones, feathers, fur) are usually buried. Judge opponent's . By Nikita Last updated Dec 18, 2021. While walking, set feet down lightly and quietly, recommended ears flat. They are content, sleek, and well-fed with glossy coats. In battle, Fierce, courageous and loyal. It is out to the public! Published by HarperCollins, the series is written by authors Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, and Tui T. Sutherland under the collective pseudonym Erin Hunter. Warrior Cats Roleplay. Become the leader, deputy, or medicine cat of the clan! This website focuses around Berriclan. Hind legs must be ready to leap and front paws must be ready to pounce. Territory: ThunderClan's territory is closest to the bottom of the mountain, bordering just below RiverClan. Hunter's Crouch. Upright Lock - Put full weight down on opponent. Fishing Catch - When fishing in a lake or river.keep your reflection away from the water. WindClan cats are swift, so they can chase most prey down. Home; About Us; Services; Blog; Contact Us; FAQ; Portfolio; Gallery; Blog A Guide To Warrior Cats (Writing, Medicine, and More) Vadr Hunting and Battle Moves Hunting Techniques: Hunter's Crouch - Keep your body low with your tail sticking straight ahead. 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